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100% Of Orthodontists Are Dentists, but only

4-6% Of Dentists Are Orthodontists


When choosing the right person to fix your smile, do your homework! Your provider should be trained in orthodontics through a 2-3 year specialisation programme.


Getting braces isn't just about straightening teeth - it's also about achieving that result in a way that's safe and healthy for your teeth, gums, and bones. Know your options and ask your provider about their training and expertise.

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Dr Toni-Marie Elias

Dr Toni-Marie Elias, known  to patients as “Dr. T,” is a Specialist Orthodontist who practices in the heart of San Fernando, Trinidad.

 She obtained her orthodontic specialist training at Kings College London where she graduated with a Distinction.

She makes it her mission to get your smile as beautiful as possible.


Why should I see a Specialist Orthodontist?

Dr. Elias is an Orthodontist. Orthodontists are dentists first, and out of 100 dental school graduates, on average only six go on to become orthodontists. In order to practice Orthodontics, Dr. Elias spent 9 years in training (5 years of dental school, 1 year of dental internship, and 3 years of orthodontics residency). An orthodontic student spends 3 years full-time learning the skills required to manage tooth movement (orthodontics) and to guide facial development (dentofacial orthopedics).

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